Monday, March 24, 2008

Failed Attempts

I apologize to any of you who view our blog for the next couple of days. I am trying to customize our template and am TERRIBLE with colors and anything creative. If you feel like gagging at any time please feel free to immediately close your browser window and try again later.


Debie Spurgeon said...

I hear you! I'm no good at that stuff either, but it's looking good so far. I love the polka dots.

Katherine said...

Gee Becca. The LEAST you could do would be to email me first so I don't have to open your website.......

Actually, you have great tate.

Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

Hey I love, love, love the new look of your blog! It is so cute! Honest! It looks great, way to go! The colors look great together, it is very happy!

Groshon said...

um, have you seen my nasty blue blog? How do you get it all cute and crafty anyway?? I have been thinking one of these days when I have time I am going to figure it out but for now it will stay plain..

oh and BTW, yours looks great!