Lately when I try to take pictures of Mitchell he refuses unless I offer to let him take pictures afterwards. Thus I was very excited when he let me video tape (not just flash a picture of) him answering questions. You may notice a funny cut. I had him answering questions about our phone number and address and didn't think it would be a good idea to post those. (You can also see in the background that Caleb is now walking. Hooray for Caleb! He started walking last weekend and is getting better and better everyday.)
We are loving this warmer weather! Sunday evening we went for a walk and let Mitchell ride his bike around the neighborhood for the first time. He did really really well. He was fascinated by watching himself pedal which didn't help him steer but Clint was there to keep him out of the gutter and away from the cars so he probably figured that steering wasn't a priority. After cruising around we hung out in the backyard for awhile and broke in the swingset for the upcoming outdoor season.
We were excited to have part of the Chris and Becky Adams family come visit today. Chris was up taking loads to the dump and brought Thomas, Nathan and Will over to play. They had a great time. I felt very outnumbered--5 boys to 1 girl. When Chris knocked at the door to pick them up Thomas said, "I hope that's not my dad" and told Chris that he was going to stay here "forever and ever". I'm glad that he had a good time. Mitchell and Will had a good time as well. They interacted more than I expected. They were throwing toys and making each other laugh. It was fun to see the Adams family again. We're so sad that they moved away!You'll never guess how I spend a lot of time!
I am very proud that Mitchell's favorite color is RED!!! Way to go Mitchell!!! That comment just gave him the okay to marry Hannah and join our Ute family!!!
I love Mitchell's little voice! He sounds so cute :)
And um, where did all of your neighbors bushes go!! Our poor little house... maybe it looks better up close?
I think Mitchell and Ian have the same taste in books and movies:)
I love your blog! Keep on posting.
Very fun update! Love the pictures.
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